Insta360 ONE X2 vs DJI Pocket 2 | Which Is Better?

The Insta360 One X2 and the DJI Pocket 2 are both high-quality, small cameras that you can take anywhere but when it comes to using the cameras, editing, and the final looks, they are very different.

In this article were going to compare the Insta360 One X2 and DJI Pocket 2 to see which one of these cameras makes more sense for you.

As a disclaimer, Insta360 reached out to me and wanted to know if I’d like to review their One X2. I said I’d like to make a comparison with the DJI Pocket 2 and they were on board. So while I’m thankful that Insta360 sent me this camera and we’re okay with me doing my own thing with it, they are not seeing this article (or video) before I post it, or influencing this video in any way. All these words are my own, and for what it’s worth, I purchased the Pocket 2 myself.


First things first, when it comes to price, the Insta360 One X2 retails for $430 USD for just the camera. A kit will cost between 460 and 570 dollars, depending on the kit. The DJI Pocket 2 camera only retails for 350 or 500 for the creator kit. I’ll be comparing the cameras in this article, but for what it’s worth - I think it’s worth buying a kit for both of these cameras. The accessories that these kits provide you with make your filming life much easier with both of these cameras.

The first major difference between these cameras is the way they film. The One X2 films everything around it, while the DJI Pocket 2 only films what’s directly in front of the lens. This is a huge dynamic shift when using these two cameras. The Insta360 One X2’s framing is done in the edit, while the DJI Pocket 2 is more of a traditional camera as in what you film is what you get.

It sounds basic to mention that, but if you’ve never used a 360 camera before, this is something you’ll have to get used to. The Insta360 app on your phone or computer allows you to reframe, track, zoom, stabilize and do some effects to your footage, but in general, you cant share your 360 footage straight out of the camera. There is some level of editing that needs to happen with 360 videos. The app has auto-tracking and can do much of the editing for you, but that’s something to keep in mind. Both cameras have apps and can shoot photos, videos, and time-lapses.

The do it all handle for the DJI Pocket 2 allows you to control the camera remotely, but that’s an additional purchase. The Insta360 One X2 base camera is more expensive but has wifi and Bluetooth built-in. In my opinion, the Pocket 2 should have at least Bluetooth and WiFi added to the base camera without the need for accessories, but this can also be nice for some users to save some money if they won’t be using the camera with the Mimo app and need the mic jack the handle provides.

Focal Length

The next huge difference is the quality and focal length. The DJI Pocket 2 has a 93-degree field of view, which is a 20mm full-frame equivalent. The One x2 has a 7.2mm full-frame equivalent lens. 20 vs 7mm is a big difference when you're putting the footage side by side. If you want high-quality natural-looking footage, the Pocket 2 will give you that look. If you prefer the wider field of view, the Insta360 One X2 will allow you to get much closer to your subjects while keeping them in the frame with the wider field of view. The One X2 can also reframe and crop in on the footage in post, but you'll be losing some quality. One focal length isn't better or worse than the other and this comes down to personal preference and what you'll be using these cameras for.

Resolutions & Frame Rates

Another difference is these cameras are resolutions and frame rates. The DJI Pocket 2 can shoot up to 4K at 60 frames per second, while the Insta360 One X2 can shoot 5.7K at 30 frames per second or 3k 100 frames per second, but these resolutions for the entire 360 view. For shooting wide-angle steady cam footage on the One X2, the maximum resolution is 1440p at 50fps. Both cameras have 100 megabits per second video, but again the Insta360 One X2's bitrate and resolution is spread across the entire 360-degree frame. The Pocket 2 covers 93 degrees, so the video appears to be of higher quality when viewing it side by side. The Pocket 2 is better from a pure quality standpoint, but the ability to reframe your shots after the fact may be more important to you than image quality.

Picture Profiles

Both cameras have log profiles, at 8-bit. 8-bit log won’t allow you much room for color grading, but the DJI Pocket 2 is much easier to grade since it has a narrower field of view with the same bitrate as the Insta360 One X2's 360 view. If you're trying to grade both of these cameras side by side, I'd choose the Pocket 2's footage, but here's the thing. I don't think I'd be shooting in log with the One X2, or any 360 camera for that matter. I'd use the 360 camera to capture unique perspectives, and wouldn't rely on the camera to shoot in a log profile for squeezing more dynamic range out of the frame. So while the Pocket 2 is clearly the winner, but again it comes down to how you intend to use these cameras.

DJI Pocket 2 and Insta360 ONE X2 Audio Test

Watch the above YouTube video for a sample audio test

When it comes to audio, I'll let you guys be the judge. This part of the video is recorded using the onboard microphones for each of these cameras. All of this audio is unprocessed, I'll probably have to apply some gain in post, but I'll try to keep that consistent across both mics and put the mics and levels on screen.

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So which of these mics do you think was the best and which was the worst? I'll let you guys decide on this one. Let me know in the comments down below, I'll be there waiting for your mic reviews.

Apps, Camera Effects & Features

Both of these cameras have apps, and we'll start with the Insta360 app. This is where you'll be doing all of your importing, editing and exporting of your videos. The app also has a "Shot Lab" directory of different shots and tutorials on how to make them in the app. You can start shooting a clip, adjust settings and camera positioning, and when you're done filming you can track, edit and export your footage. There is an AI editor that will help you track, edit and create clips for you based on the subject, or you can do it all manually if you'd like. Insta360 also has a desktop app, and a premiere pro plugin if you'd like to edit on a desktop, but the mobile app has been great for automated tracking so I haven’t been using the desktop apps.

The DJI Mimo app also allows you to change camera settings, record, move the gimbal around, import, edit and export your footage, but the DJI Pocket 2 isn't reliant on the Mimo app. The Mimo app is an enhancement to the camera, you can use the app or not when it comes to shooting your videos or photos. The Mimo app also has a few automatically generated story modes for social media sharing, if you like automated editing. Personally, I've never used them.

The Insta360 app is much more feature-rich than the Mimo app because there are so many different shots and editing techniques for 360 cameras. You'll need to use an app to edit the 360 footage, so it makes sense why the app is so integrated with the Insta360 One X2. You can also shoot and edit in the Mimo app, but you also have the ability to take the SD card out and transfer your files to any video editor you'd like without the need for any plugins to edit the footage.


Great stabilization might be one of the things that these cameras both have in common. The Flow State stabilization of the insta360 app uses the gyro data of the camera to stabilize the footage and give you insane results on the Insta360 One X2. If you're using this camera for shakey, high-speed action - the One X2 is going to do a great job at stabilizing your footage. The DJI Pocket 2's stabilization comes from it's gimbal, so all of the traditional gimbal techniques apply to the Pocket 2, like don't try to move the camera vertically too much to avoid the 'bobbing' effect. After learning how to use the Pocket 2 like a larger gimbal - it will give you great results, but if you're using the Pocket 2 like an action camera, the results won’t be very flattering. For everyday things like reveal or panning shots, the Pocket 2 really shines. The One x2 takes a different approach with its stabilization being done in post after you're done filming. So with the One x2, there is an additional step of enabling flow state in the app while editing, but since you have to edit the 360 footage anyway, it's as simple as checking a check box or selecting a focus target to stabilize the footage. And the stabilization is insane because the entire frame has data to stabilize your shot. Again, there isn't a clear winner in the stabilization category here, it just depends on how you’re going to be using your camera.

Durability and Waterproof

When it comes to the durability and water resistance of these two cameras, the Insta360 One X2 has a leg up on the DJI Pocket 2. The Pocket 2 is pretty durable, and I've used it in snow and accidentally dropped it multiple times, and it's still working fine. I don't recommend using this camera in wet conditions or dropping it, but after using both of these cameras, the overall build quality of the Insta360 One X2 is better with less external moving parts than the Pocket 2. One thing I dislike about the One X2 case though is that I feel like there is no great way to set it down, even when it's off. The cameras on both sides protrude out of the housing and if it falls, it's going to land straight on the lens and potentially crack or scratch it. Only the bottom is flat, so you have to stand it up on a table and if something knocks this over, it's going to land straight on the lens. The DJI Pocket 2 also suffers this problem while you're using it, the base is sturdy, but it will land on the camera if knocked over but when you turn the Pocket 2 off, the camera will turn to the side and you can place it flat on a table. If you're using these cameras on a tripod or mount, this isn’t as big of a deal, but I think both of these cameras could improve their design so you don't have to constantly keep them in a case to set them down safely.

Live Streaming

Both of these cameras have the ability to live stream from the device to YouTube, Facebook, or any other rtmp stream. The Insta360 One X2 can also be connected to your computer and used as a webcam as well though, something I wish the DJI Pocket 2 would have implemented. It's nice that both of the cameras are utilized on the One X2 as well, and pressing the record button while live streaming will cycle through the front camera, the back camera or a Multicam split screen. This is pretty cool, and a smart implementation of live streaming on a camera. I really wish the DJI Pocket 2 would be available as a webcam on a computer. Both can stream from the app, but until the Pocket 2 can be used as a webcam, the Insta360 One X2 wins here.


When it comes to accessories, both of these cameras can be adapted to use the cheap go pro mounting system of accessories. The One X2 and Pocket adapters can both be found on Amazon, and I'd recommend picking those adapters up for whichever camera you move forward with. There is a huge ecosystem of cheap mounts to use that will get you some great footage.

One huge downside to the Insta360 One X2 is the lack of ND filters. Currently, there are no ND filters for the One X2 that I could find. There are filters for the Insta360 One R, but not the One X2. The DJI Pocket 2 has tons of options for ND filters, be sure to check out my Pocket 2 playlist linked in the description to learn more about those accessories.

Weird edges on the One X2

One of my gripes about the Insta360 One X2 camera is the transition between lenses. The camera does a great job of stitching far away objects on the transition between the front and back cameras. However, the closer you are to the camera, the harder time the camera will have seamlessly stitching these objects together. If you're holding the One X2 while filming with it, there will be a line across your hand where the lenses stitch together the footage unnaturally. This is getting pretty picky, and I understand objects that close might be impossible to stitch together but it's something to take note of while filming. The invisible selfie stick mode solves most of this problem, so I'd recommend checking that out if you pick up a One x2.

On A Drone

One thing I was very interested in trying was attaching the One X2 to a drone. I have a mount for my Mavic Air 2, so I decided to try to fly the One X2 but for some reason, I couldn't get the camera to balance properly on my Mavic Air 2. All the connections were tight, and the drone flew as it should but after adding the Insta360 One X2 orDJI Pocket 2, both threw off the balance. I spent way too long trying to get these cameras to work on a drone, but couldn't get it to work. I know they can be flown on the Mavic Air 2, I've seen people post videos of cameras on the Mavic Air 2, but for some reason I couldn't get them to work properly. Probably my fault somehow, if you've had any luck attaching these cameras to a drone, let me know what mounts your using.


So when it comes down to it, which of these two cameras is better than the other one? The answer is: it depends on what you're shooting. I know, not a great answer - but the DJI Pocket 2 feels more like a normal camera that is made for more traditional-styles of filming, while the Insta360 One X2 shines as a durable 360 action camera that you don't have to worry about framing your shots. When you're in the moment, you can put your camera near the subject and know that you got the shot and track the subject me in post. They both have different looks to their footage as well. If you prefer the wider field of view and the included effects in the Insta360 app - the One X2 is for you. If you like shooting less action-style videos and want to try to squeeze as much quality out of your footage as possible, with a mechanically stabilized, 4K gimbal.. the DJI Pocket 2 will fit your style of filming.

The Insta360 One X2's base price is more at $430 compared to the DJI Pocket 2 at 350, but when you factor in buying the kits for both of these cameras, the overall camera cost is closer to $500 for each of them. If you don't feel the need for the kit, the pocket 2 is the cheaper camera of the two - but like I said earlier, I would recommend picking up some accessories for either of these cameras.

The cameras are similar in some regards but completely different in others. This comes down to personal filming needs and preference for your filming style. Both of these cameras are different enough that you could pick both of them up and they would compliment each other given the different focal lengths, effects, and looks to the footage.


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